Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve couldn't have gone better!

Best Christmas EVE EVER......Negative on all Chromosome Issues 

Come Christmas eve I was devastated that we had yet to hear from the Doctors. I had been so looking forward to enjoying Christmas Eve and Christmas with our families. Hopeful that the tests would come back fine. 

I decided to keep myself busy and I decided to do something fun to keep my mind occupied. I decided to look up fun facts about the baby’s weekly growth and compare it to a life object that Mayson would understand. So I sat down and created EVERY single week for our pregnancy. To some this may seem daunting. To me it was a place I could take my mind out of the horribly places I allowed it to travel. This weekly update NO MATTER what the news may be would show the growth of our baby girl. Who was going to be amazing no matter what news we got in weeks to come.

I was going to start with week 16, hopefully something would pop out in the belly area by then lol! 

God answered my prayers and at 4:45 (If I recall correctly) I got the call that all choromsomes looked great! SUCH A HUGE sigh of relief. It literally was the best Christmas Eve ever. 
But then shattering news. There was ONE last thing we were going to look into. The nurse told me to familiarize myself with it and think on how Ryan and I would handle it if it did come back positive.

AGAIN, I reminded her that we were keeping this sweet baby no matter what. And was saddened that we had yet another thing to wait on. But I was determined to not let it get me down. I was going to enjoy Christmas Eve and be thankful for the wonderful news we had gotten thus far.

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