Monday, January 26, 2015

Noonan Syndrome Waiting

The doctor told us at the last visit there would no reason we would not hear back from the noonans test by this point. So I called and was told they were checking into it because we should have heard something at this point. While waiting on this call back I was a nervous wreck. 

This seemed to be the last big chromosome issue that could pop up. I had to keep myself busy.  I was caught up on work, the house was clean....what else could I get into? Nothing, lol nothing but waiting.

And FINALLY we got the call. Oh how I wish telling this story were simple. From the start we were told if we heard the doctors voice when we got the call back thats when we need to worry. Well this time I called to check in on our results and the nurse who worked with the lab said that there was some special information on the lab reports and that it was given to someone else to look over. 

I immediately thought oh my god....this is it. This is what our baby has. EVERYTHING else may have taken some time to get but it was always cut and dry answers. Yes things look good, you are good to go. This.....this call didn’t feel like that at all. My mind went into the worse place it had been since this entire ordeal. 

I literally felt sick while I waited for her to find out why there were special notes. 

Finally she called back. She wasn’t sure why it was noted the way it was but EVERYTHING looked fine. Good god. Were they trying to cause me a heart attack.

I was relieved to call my husband and family back after being hysterical to all of them while I waited to tell them that all looked clear for Presley. 

This up and down roller coaster is not one any parent can possibly get used to.

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